Votre jeu préféré comporte beaucoup de cartes ? et au fil du temps celles-ci se détériorent ! Alors que faire pour rendre vos cartes plus durables et conserver ainsi leur aspect d’origine ?

2 solutions :

  • Ne jamais jouer
  • Utiliser des protections ( Sleeve en anglais )

Bien évidement nous éviterons la première solution… Mais vous nous direz qu’il existe plusieurs formats de cartes et donc plusieurs formats de sleeves. C’est pour cela que nous avons créé cette page !

Ici, nous vous aiderons à choisir les protections adaptées à vos cartes de jeu grâce à ce tableau.

US = American
EU = European
STD = Standard



Jeu (A) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Acquire™ Acquire™ X
Ad Astra™ Ad Astra™ X
Age of Conan™ Age of Conan™ X
Age of Empires III™ Age of Empires III™ X
Age of War™ Age of War™ X
Aladdin's Dragons™ Aladdin’s Dragons™ X
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Second Edition™ A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Second Edition™ X X
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game™ A Game of Thrones: The Card Game™ X
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Second Edition™ A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Second Edition™ X
Agricola™ Agricola™ X
Alhambra™ Alhambra™ X
Android™ Android™ X
Android : Netrunner™ Android : Netrunner™ X
Anima: The Card Game™ Anima: The Card Game™ X
Arcana Revised Edition™ Arcana Revised Edition™ X
Arkham Horror™ Arkham Horror™ X X


Jeu (B) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Balloon Cup™ Balloon Cup™ X
BattleLore Second Edition™ BattleLore Second Edition™ X X X
Battles of Westeros™ Battles of Westeros™ X
blood bowl team manager Battlestar Galactica™ X X
Black fleet™ Black fleet™ X
Black Sheep™ Black Sheep™ X
Black Spy™ Black Spy™ X
Blood Bound™ Blood Bound™ X X
blood bowl team manager Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game™ X X
Blue Moon Legends™ Blue Moon Legends™ X
Bohnanza™ Bohnanza™ X
Brass™ Brass™ X
Bruges™ Bruges™ X
Bruxelles 1893™ Bruxelles 1893™ X
Bullfrogs™ Bullfrogs™ X


Jeu (C) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Call of Cthulhu ™ Call of Cthulhu ™ X
Cave Troll™ Cave Troll™ X
Chaos in the Old World™ Chaos in the Old World™ X X
Citadels™ Citadels™ X
Civilization™ Civilization™ X X
Cold War: CIA vs KGB™ Cold War: CIA vs KGB™ X
Colossal Arena™ Colossal Arena™ X
Colt Express™ Colt Express™ X
Condottiere ™ Condottiere ™ X
Constantinopolis™ Constantinopolis™ X
Cornish Smuggler™ Cornish Smuggler™ X
Cosmic Encounter ™ Cosmic Encounter ™ X
Cuba™ Cuba™ X X


Jeu (D) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Death Angel ™ Death Angel ™ X
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition ™ Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition ™ X X
Deus ™ Deus ™ X
Dominion ™ Dominion ™ X
Doom ™ Doom ™ X
Dr.Jekyll & Mr.Hyde ™ Dr.Jekyll & Mr.Hyde ™ X
Drakon Fourth Edition ™ Drakon Fourth Edition ™ X
DungeonQuest Revised Edition ™ DungeonQuest Revised Edition ™ X


Jeu (E) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Eden ™ Eden ™ X
Edel, Stein & Reich ™ Edel, Stein & Reich ™ X
El Grande ™ El Grande ™ X X
Elfenland ™ Elfenland ™ X
Elder Sign ™ Elder Sign ™ X X
Eldritch Horror ™ Eldritch Horror ™ X X


Jeu (F) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Forbidden Stars ™ Forbidden Stars ™ X
Fortress America ™ Fortress America ™ X


Jeu (G) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Game of Thrones: The Card Game ™ Game of Thrones: The Card Game ™ X
Game of Thrones: Westeros Intrigue ™ Game of Thrones: Westeros Intrigue ™ X


Jeu (H) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot


Jeu (I) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot


Jeu (J) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot


Jeu (K) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Kingsburg ™ Kingsburg ™ X


Jeu (L) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Legends of Andor ™ Legends of Andor ™ X
Lord of the Rings: The Board Game ™ Lord of the Rings: The Board Game ™ X
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation ™ Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation ™ X


Jeu (M) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Mag Blast ™ Mag Blast ™ X
Merchant of Venus ™ Merchant of Venus ™ X X
Mission: Red Planet ™ Mission: Red Planet ™ X X


Jeu (N) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Nexus Ops ™ Nexus Ops ™ X X


Jeu (O) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot


Jeu (P) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Planet Steam ™ Planet Steam ™ X


Jeu (Q) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot


Jeu (R) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Red November (Revised Edition) ™ Red November (Revised Edition) ™ X
Relic ™ Relic ™ X
Rex: Final Days of an Empire ™ Rex: Final Days of an Empire ™ X X
Rockband Manager ™ Rockband Manager ™ X
Rune Age ™ Rune Age ™ X
Runewars : Banners of War ™ Runewars : Banners of War ™ X X
Runewars Revised Edition ™ Runewars Revised Edition ™ X X


Jeu (S) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Sky Traders ™ Sky Traders ™ X X
Star Wars: Armada ™ Star Wars: Armada ™ X X X
Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion ™ Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion ™ X
Star Wars: Imperial Assault ™ Star Wars: Imperial Assault ™ X X
Star Wars: The Card Game ™ Star Wars: The Card Game ™ X
Star Wars: X-Wing ™ Star Wars: X-Wing ™ X X


Jeu (T) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Talisman: The Harbinger ™ Talisman: The Harbinger ™ X
The Hobbit Board Game ™ The Hobbit Board Game ™ X X
The Hobbit Card Game ™ The Hobbit Card Game ™ X
The Last Banquet ™ The Last Banquet ™ X
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game ™ The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game ™ X
The Witcher Adventure Game ™ The Witcher Adventure Game ™ X X X
Twilight Imperium Third Edition ™ Twilight Imperium Third Edition ™ X


Jeu (U) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot


Jeu (V) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot


Jeu (W) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Warhammer 40,000: Conquest ™ Warhammer 40,000: Conquest ™ X X
Warhammer: Diskwars ™ Warhammer: Diskwars ™ X
Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game ™ Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game ™ ? ? ?
Winter Tales ™ Winter Tales ™ X X
Wiz-War ™ Wiz-War ™ X


Jeu (X) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
XCOM: The Board Game ™ XCOM: The Board Game ™ X X X


Jeu (Y) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot


Jeu (Z) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot
Zombicide ™ Zombicide ™ X


Jeu (0-9) Mini US Mini EU STD US STD EU STD Carré Tarot

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